With the possibility of quarantines on the rise, you may need a plan for your home defense weapons. What will happen to them, and to your other supplies in the event of an outbreak in your community? You may be required/ordered to move from your home to another location of the governments’ choosing.
Imagine if your neighbor suddenly gets sick, is rushed to the hospital and then is admitted with a high fever and it is determined they are in a high-risk category. Persons considered to be at risk would include medical professionals, travelers to high-risk countries or first responders. It may or may not be Ebola, or it could be some other deadly virus or disease.
Until they determine what the disease is and given the events that are happening in the world, you would be interviewed and if the authorities felt you had direct contact, you may be asked/ordered to stay in your home. Your home may be inspected, or you may be moved to another location until verification is received or until the incubation period of 21 days passes.
What happens to all of your supplies, your weapons, your stockpile of emergency foods, water and medical supplies if you have to move? This is something you have to start thinking about now. Chances are however, you would be able to stay in your home once it has been disinfected properly, but what happens if you cannot.
The authorities should realize after the fiasco in Dallas the need for removal of certain items, and for disinfecting homes of those who may have been in contact with the virus or who may already have the virus. This means your home may be gone over with the proverbial “fine toothed comb”.
You need your supplies in your home if you are quarantined in the home, and yet on the other hand what if you have to leave, you will not be able to bring your firearms or likely many of your other supplies with you. Government personnel to include law enforcement may very well be poking into every corner of your home if they suspect the virus or if you are under orders to stay put. Officials may believe your personal items are contaminated and so they may be destroyed, anything is possibly. You could lose thousands of dollars of supplies if they are left in the home.
Only keep a 30-day stockpile in your home, and move the rest temporarily to offsite caches or even commercial storage sheds. In most cases, it would not be a recommendation to place any items in a storage facility, but in the case of a pandemic, you may not have any other choice.
Weapons found in your home may be confiscated whether they are legal or not if you are put under quarantine. Law enforcement will say it is for officer safety and for the safety of other government officials. They may show up unannounced and thus would not want you armed. This is only speculation of course, because there are no real situations to look back on to gain any perspective.
No one really knows how law enforcement will handle the fact you have weapons and large stockpiles if you have to leave or are quarantined in place. Supposedly, all of your inventory would be left behind if you had to leave. It is not likely that the officials however, would leave a large cache of weapons and ammunition behind. It may be inventoried and moved by the police or simply taken away without your knowledge and no receipt of items taken would be available.
You may never see your firearms again in extreme cases. This is why if it does happen you do not want a large supply on hand to either be confiscated or stolen after you have to evacuate because of a suspected infection.
Your firearms will need to be secured in safe offsite locations or placed with trusted friends and family as long as you do not suspect they will be isolated, inspected or quarantined as well. As stated in earlier articles the ripple effects of the crisis will reach into many corners, and you need to begin developing plans to counter some of the problems you are likely to encounter.
This article is merely to get you thinking about what ifs. No one knows what will happen and many times decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. However, you do need to consider certain possibilities, and begin making plans for some of the “what ifs” that may crop up. This is all new for the country and all of its citizens, so be ready to adapt to the situation as it evolves.