Let’s face it, the ultimate goal of most prepper’s is to eventually homestead. Homesteading puts many aspects of our lives under our control. We don’t need to rely on the vast transportation infrastructure required to bring a tomato to our kitchen, we grow them.
The milk we may drink comes from a cow (or goat) that we know. Not only do we control the food that we eat, we may also control most aspects of life that the rest of the country pays someone else for, electricity, heat, even our clothing.
The problem with homesteading is we must completely reset our lives. For the average urban dweller, that means giving up the lifestyle that we know. It can take lots of upfront costs when purchasing as we don’t like debt. In the end, there can be tons of excuses to stop us from homesteading. It doesn’t always have to be an all or nothing endeavor, we can start small. There are some keys to starting, and here are five of them:
Read more at… Five Steps to Start Homesteading Right Where You Are