The kids are playing on the floor surrounded by toys. You are putting lunch on the table when the door crashes in. It is a smash and grab, and the intruders are inside in seconds. You have a firearm in the home however, as a responsible gun owner it is locked up.
Anyone that owns a firearm with children in the home has likely gone over this type of scenario in their minds and has asked him or herself if they should carry the firearm on their person while in the home. Some if not many though will as safety experts recommend, keep it secured away from curious children and others.
Often time’s only one person in the home has had any training with the firearm. When that person is away, the firearm is always secured, rendering it useless.
Gun owners that have never had to use a firearm in defense of themselves or others tend to put more emphasis on the fact a firearm is present, as if this fact, in and of itself, is a deterrent, and leaves some believing they are safer than they really are. They think they are safe in their homes, because a gun is in the home, and thus may not consider what else can be used if the firearm is not available for whatever reason.
If a weapon such as a firearm is not in your hands when it is needed, then some other type of weapon must replace it. Do you know what is available that can be used to defend yourself and family if a firearm is not within reach.
Assess Your Surroundings
Regardless of where you are, you should always be aware of what can be grabbed and used to defend yourself. Items include those that you are carrying as well, such as a briefcase, things inside a purse, satchel, and belt with buckle, ballpoint pen and even a pencil. Evaluate every item you see and decide if it can be used as a “handheld” weapon if needed.
Hundreds of items inside your home can be used and the kitchen for example, is loaded with potential weapons. Cutting knives, forks, butter knives and frying pans with handles are just a few of the items that can be used. Use anything that can stab, slash or batter an assailant’s body.
Other defense weapons or deterrents would be walking sticks, pepper spray, stun guns and stun batons, but you have to ensure they are always on your person and here is the problem, you will not always have these types of weapons handy. Therefore, it is important that you always look for things that can be used no matter your location.
There is a downside of course to using these types of weapons and one disadvantage is proximity to your assailant, you have to be close, too close. Another is effectiveness. Your objective in most cases is to slow the attack long enough for you to make your escape. Most ad hoc weapons would be a distraction unless it is a knife with a sufficient blade length or an object heavy enough to render the attacker unconscious.
Getting close enough to where someone can grab you or a piece of clothing to restrain you puts you in a more dangerous situation, and small weapons that are not considered deadly if you will, can be used if they can disrupt the attack, leaving you time to get away. However, at some point anything in your hands is better than just your hands.
A rolled up newspaper or a book can be used to batter the face and head. Purses can be swung but they can be easily deflected by the attacker because you would telegraph the swing due to the windup to the swing. A purse held by you can be used to pull you off balance so release it before you are pulled any closer to the assailant. Instead, know what is inside the purse that can be used such as pepper spray, pens, pencils or even penknives that can be used to slash the face and hands.
Shoes can be used to batter or in some cases to stab if they have stiletto heels. Keys of course can be used by sliding one key between your fingers and used to stab or slash the face or hands. Hot coffee can be tossed in the face and even soda cans, can be used to batter the face especially if they are unopened. Any liquid thrown in the face and eyes may very well distract an attacker as well.
Start looking around right now to see what can be used if you are surprised by an attacker. You could be anywhere, inside your home, car or walking along the street. Regardless of where you are, you need to know what weapon is available to counter an assault when a firearm is not available.