Variety is the spice of life especially when it comes to your food. So if you’re looking for a great way to spice up your food while backpacking on the trail this is an excellent way to bring some of your favorite spices along and it won’t cost you more than 5 bucks for a package of straws and a tin from your favorite Altoids mints.
So check out the graphic below it’s really easy and remember that this method can be used to make all sorts of different Altoids kits, the possibilities are endless. Sealing items in the straws keeps everything sealed and dry. The ranger band (piece of bicycle inner tube) is optional but just adds protection. Some things you can seal in straws are matches, tinder (cotton balls with vaseline)and fishing supplies. Keep in mind straws also come in a few different sizes you can use the larger 1/2 inch straws to seal larger items too.