If you happen to find yourself in a situation where you need to open a can of food but don’t have a can opener, don’t worry. Here is an excellent trick you can use to open that can without hurting yourself. So check out the video below and memorize this little trick so you won’t … [Read more...] about How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener
How To
How to Make an Emergency Car Heater
Here is an excellent video by USNERDOC on how to make an emergency car heater. This is great to keep in your emergency car kit, especially during the winter months. So check out the video below and make one for your car kit. List of materials: • Clean Quart Paint Can & … [Read more...] about How to Make an Emergency Car Heater
How to make a Native American fish trap
Here is a good video I found on how to make a Native American fish trap. The funnel opening has to have a large enough opening for the fish or turtle to swim into, leave the funnel opening facing into the deeper water. This is probably illegal in most states so make sure you only … [Read more...] about How to make a Native American fish trap
Arc Welding with 3 Car Batteries
Click On Image For Larger View Here is a good video I found that shows you how to arc weld with three 12 volt batteries. Knowing how to weld with batteries can be very useful especially in an emergency off road situation or in situation where there is no power. Be very careful … [Read more...] about Arc Welding with 3 Car Batteries
How to Make a Faraday Cage
A Faraday cage, is a sealed enclosure that has an electrically conductive outer layer made from material such as steel or copper and an inner non-conductive layer made from material such as cardboard or insulation. When closed, the Faraday cage blocks external static and … [Read more...] about How to Make a Faraday Cage