Be Honest About Your Current Communications Plan
For most preppers quantifying is a problem. We buy stuff and we store stuff, but do we have a true definition of what “prepared” is? The truth about being prepared is that we cannot quantify what we will need.
I will let you in on a little secret. Worry more about what you don’t have in comparison to what you do. Instead of concerning yourself with quantity, think more about categories.
There is a category that most preppers are not considering enough and that is communications.
Be honest with yourself about how prepared you are to both send and receive outgoing communications. If the phone lines are dead and electricity is out how will you know what to do? How will you communicate an injury or a medical emergency?
Are you really prepared?
The Importance of Communication in Disaster
In disaster communication does not stop, it just changes. Remember that. Unless we are dealing with a wide spread EMP there will be ways to communicate. If you are prepared.
During a disaster intelligence is critical. When you hear the word, you might think of military action but intelligence is a very important piece of surviving a disaster.
If you don’t know what’s happening how can make the right decisions to keep yourself and your family safe?
Here are just a few things you can achieve from communications during disaster:
- Access to News Outlets
- Identification of Local threats
- Communication of issues in your home
- Communication of your ability to help others
- Your next move
- Who else is prepared in your area
How Can You Prepare
The first thing you must do is admit you have a problem.
I say this in jest but there is truth to it. There is no place for pride in prepping.
There are two things that you must consider when you begin creating a communications plan.
1. Incoming Communications
How are you going to get the information you need to make the right decisions following a disaster? That is the basics of incoming communication. You have to be able to find out what is happening out there.
2. Outgoing Communications
How are you going to get information out to others? You must be able to let world know what is happening if your family needs help.
Finding and investing in reputable hardware is the only way you can assure that you will be able to conduct outgoing and incoming communications.
Three Additions You Must Make to your Communications Plan
The most important part of your communications plan is knowing what is going on after a disaster. When the power goes out when your personal belongings are smashed you need a method of getting information about your area and the threats therein.
There is nothing better than an emergency radio for this. Whether you go for a hand crank option or a solar, or both, you need to commit to having at least one in your preps.
In serious disaster there is a moment that most of us fear and that is when the police become overwhelmed. Once you realize you are truly on an island, things can get very scary. Without the proper communications methods you will just be guessing what the police are up to during a disaster.
By investing in a quality handheld police scanner, you will be able to follow the situation. You will be able to identify areas to stay away from. You will also realize when its time to get outta dodge.
When it comes to outgoing communications in a serious disaster the handheld ham radio will allow you to broadcast your situation and any questions you may have on the disaster. You are only allowed to broadcast only in a disaster unless you get a license.
The handheld ham radio will also allow you to listen to others talk about the disaster. You can glean tons of information from simply listening to others’ communications.
Be honest about your communication plan. Are you ready? If not, get started and begin putting money aside for these electronics. Start with your emergency radio and carry on from there. Before you know it you will have a complete communications arsenal and the know how to use it in a disaster.