Here is a very interesting video that has lots of applications for preppers. With this DIY mini-foundry you can begin to turn trash into useful stores of metal. Want to transform some old soda cans into something useful or turn some old lead tire weights into bullets? No problem, this little foundry will do it in short order. You can use this foundry to begin storing metals in ingot form for a rainy day.
WARNING FROM THE KING OF RANDOM: Charcoal foundries can reach temperatures in excess of 1,000ºC, which is well above the melting point of hobbyists. This project should only be attempted with adequate knowledge and training, proper protective safety gear, and in a fire resistant area with adequate ventilation. The sparks flying from the foundry can ignite fires, and the fumes from burning dross can be toxic. Use caution and common sense. Use of this video content is at your own risk.