In today’s society, if you haven’t noticed already, there are some people that describe themselves as victims, a group of so-called unfortunates who demand others take care of them, they need rescuing from their own victimhood it seems because of some perceived slight or oppression, and even harsh talk sends some over the edge never to return again as a productive citizen of society. They are victims in their minds, and thus, of course, nothing is their fault.
How well will they fare during a crisis, well some may shed their victim status and take up the mantle while others will start to look for their rescuers, instead of putting one foot in front of the other and rolling up their sleeves. A number of people will die during a major catastrophe due to their very own state of mind.
Today, if you cut off a finger or a hand using an ax or saw you get rushed to the hospital. Chances are you will not die, however, when the hospitals are shuttered and doctors are looking to take care of their own during a crisis, you may very well perish from your injuries. A simple cut can turn into a deadly infection if not treated.
It will take some people if not many people a considerable amount of time to realize they are on their own if something happens, and so, some will not change, some will not realize the ambulances cannot run, the hospitals can’t operate and the grocery stores cannot open their doors.
We as humans live longer today, not because of who we are, but because of advances in medicines. People tend to believe they are smarter, stronger and better equipped for what life throws at them. Better than those before us some believe, but our ancestor’s endured hardships that would kill off a large percent of the population today if people had to endure the same hardships, so who are really the smart ones.
Of course we have to keep things in perspective, we no longer have to worry about large predators dragging us off into the underbrush for a snack as we dip water from the river, or worry about humans that live across the same river coming for our lands and crops and our women and children when the urge to expand their village strikes them.
One thing you have to keep in mind is, however, that not many can live without electricity and without modern advances and technology as our ancestor did. They could live without it and of course could live with it if it was available, but if you have never had to survive without any of it, could you.
Our ancestors as individuals strived forward. They built onto their cabins every year, they cleared more land for crops, they raised more livestock and grew as a family and they cultivated friendships so they could grow as a community as well.
There is more to surviving than just having food and water stockpiled. Of course, without food and water you wouldn’t survive for long, but getting a hand or leg crushed because you have no idea how to bring down a tree, or raise a log for your cabin’s wall will kill you as well, kill you because medical centers are just a fading memory.
As we stated earlier, people will not realize their world as they know it has changed, and because of this, they will assume that help is just around the corner. Someone will come and someone will save them, and tell them what to do next is the thought they will hang onto until the very end.
We all need to do better, do more and learn more.